Easy AI Blog

On this page will find help and tips on how to get you started with creating images, blogs, ads and how to share your favoriate images.

Easy AI template: Blog idea

How to use the Blog Idea?

To get results from the template:
Blog Idea.

Simply select 'Blog Idea' from the options and add your key words.

For example if you use Gardening as a blog idea key word, Easy AI quickly replies with ideas and tips required to get started with a gardening blog.

Easy AI template: Ask a question

How to use the Ask a question?

Let's stay on the gardening blog theme and now create some content for our new blog.

Select Ask a question from the options and add your question.

I will add write an article about growing runner beans 200 words It only takes a few seconds and I have a ready to copy and paste article about how to grow runner beans for my new blog.

Easy AI template: Create an image

How to create an image?

We now have our blog and our first article. We now need some images. Simply select Create an image from the options and add in the description. Create an image about growing runner beans in a small family garden

For the style, this can be none, the size can be 256 and select the number of variants you require. I like to select 3. Click create and soon you will have 3 images to select from for your new blog article.
Click here to see your New AI created Article